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Course Outlone
Total Days - 5 Working Days
Total hour - 40 Hours
The aim of this document is to provide an effective instrument to carry out a course on environmentawareness, taking into account all maritime environment legislation, with particular regard to themeasuresto prevent pollution.The aim of the course is to ensure that the learner achieves the necessary theoretical knowledge andleader’sabilities to implement and maintain the required documents and procedures for all activities to preservesurrounding environments from the garbage produced on board. As well as to provide high quality information and knowledge on the marine environment to marine professionals based to IMO Model.Course 1.38, and therequirements of Sections A‐ll/1 of Chapter II, A‐lll/1 and A‐lll/6 of Chapter III of the STCW 95 as amended in 2010.The course content emphasizes concise communications, interpretation of documents and analysis of complex managerial issues in the maritime sector dealing with various high‐ranking officials.This course is useful to support maritime institutions to provide a non‐mandatory, ECVET compliant maritime environment awareness course of great relevance for theseafarers and shore based personnel who canbenefit from acquiring concrete competences in the care of marine environment.The objective should be always an increasing awareness of the problems linked to maritime pollution among the "people of shipping".The imminent entering into force of the BWM Convention will expose the need for a good understanding of its provisions among seafarers; the same problem relates to the recent MARPOL amendments in the Annexes III, IV, V and VI. This course offers knowledge and abilities for the implementation of the new or updated documentation required for maritime environmental awareness and protection as well as covering the managing of the pollution prevention plan, the environment‐related inspections on board and actions in case of the emergencies.
Scope & Objective
A Trainee successful completing this course and passing the prescribed examination will be enabled to efficiently operate the GMDSS equipment and to have primary responsibility for radio communication during distress incident and on ship. Given the severe problems being experienced in the GMDSS as a result of the large number of false distress alert that now occur, training will also be provided in technique to avoid the unintentional transmission of false distress alert and the procedure to use in order to mitigate the effects of false distress alerts following unintentional transmission.
Teaching Medium
Entry Standards
Trainees should have previous basic in physics, chemistry and ship technology; a general knowledge on the role, function and structure of the IMO and the methods for IMO Convention adoption and implementation is also required.All Trainees must be certified by a doctor to be in good health.
Medical Standard
As per M.S (Medical Examination for seafarers) Rules 2000 as amended from time to time.
Not Above 20 per class